Pro-Poor Hibiscus Value Chain Integration in Sudan


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Pro-Poor Hibiscus Value Chain Integration in Sudan

March 26, 2020

More than 80 major Sudanese and international stakeholders and actors within the hibiscus value chain gathered on October 21st, 2010 at the Sudanese Chambers of Industries Association. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss key findings of a joint Hibiscus Value Chain Assessment in Western Sudan and to develop recommendations for increasing profits for the mainly female hibiscus farmers while boosting hibiscus exports. The event was jointly organized by the Central Bank of Sudan, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of International Cooperation, the Ahfad University for Women, the Sudanese Chambers of Industries Association, the Sudanese Businessmen and Employers Federation, Practical Action, IFAD and UNDP Sudan.

Document Type
Regions and Countries