Socio-Economic assessment in Nahr el-Bared surrounding areas


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Socio-Economic assessment in Nahr el-Bared surrounding areas

March 26, 2020

This report presents the results of a field survey commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO). The preparation of the survey and report has been undertaken with the support of the Consultation and Research Institute (CRI). The survey took place during the month of September 2008 and covered 1,000 households located in six municipalities: Bhanine, Bebnine, Deir Amar, Minieh, Muhammara, and Beddawi.

The aim of the survey and the ensuing report is to provide an assessment of the pre and post conflict conditions of households located in the vicinity of the Nahr El Bared camp for a variety of livelihood aspects including: housing, health, education, and employment. Employment results were gathered and analyzed on two different levels: the household and the head of household in an attempt to assess the current employment situation of the main breadwinners, the barriers that prevent them from resuming gainful employment, and the types of assistance they need to once again be able to support their families.

Document Type
Regions and Countries