Regional Refugee Resilience Plan 2015-2016

Regional Refugee Resilience Plan 2015-2016

October 28, 2014

The 3RP is a country-driven, regionally coherent plan to address refugee protection and humanitarian needs whilst building the resilience of vulnerable people and impacted communities and - recognizing the centrality of national resilience and stabilization plans - strengthening the capacity of national delivery systems.

The 3RP process gives practical life to this vision by supporting the development and implementation of nationally-led plans within a regionally coherent response to humanitarian and development needs. The 3RP is a step forward in reflecting the principles set out by the Comprehensive Regional Strategic Framework developed in May 2014, as well as the lessons learned from earlier versions of regional plans.

The 3RP acknowledges the centrality of national ownership in securing a more effective and sustainable management of the effects of crisis in neighbouring countries. The 3RP reflects on priorities for action set forth in existing ‘integrated’ national response plans in Jordan (the Jordan Response Plan 2015, including the National Resilience Plan) and Lebanon (Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, including the Roadmap of Priority Interventions for Stabilization from the Syrian Conflict in Lebanon). It also supports on-going planning efforts in other neighbouring countries.

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